Medical Insurance North Carolina
If you are looking for low cost medical insurance North Carolina, there is help available. Your first step to finding a policy with adequate coverage at an affordable rate is to receive a quote on your medical insurance by clicking the "Get a Quote Now" tab in the menu to the left. You can compare quotes on different policies from different North Carolina health insurance companies directly from this site. With the cost of health care ever increasing, medical insurance is a necessity in order to financially protect you and your family from financial disaster in the event of a catastrophic claim. An individual will always have the option of purchasing traditional medical insurance through insurance providers. These traditional providers offer coverage for a range of conditions and scenarios.
With traditional copay type health insurance plans, an individual is required to pay an annual deductible before the carrier starts picking up part or the entire tab for the medical care. These are out of pocket expenses. The individual may also have to absorb part of the cost of their medical treatment after the deductible is met in what is called coinsurance. These plans typically have copays for doctor office visits and prescription drugs.
An alternative to this traditional method of coverage would be to purchase a Health Saving Account plan. These plans typically only have one deductible for the family and once this deductible is met the plan covers 100% of the costs for the rest of the calendar year. Unlike traditional plans, there are no copays for doctor office visits or prescription drugs; however, these charges are simply charged to the deductible.
Under medical insurance North Carolina law, if a policyholder of group health insurance loses their job, they can still continue their coverage for up to eighteen months after they have ceased to work for their employer. This is called COBRA. An insurance provider who offers group plans must also offer a conversion option to an individual policy for its policyholders once they have exhausted the full eighteen months of COBRA. The state government of North Carolina also offers a variety of state subsidized plans to assist low income families and children. There are also the more traditional Medicare and Medicaid programs available for senior citizens. The eligibility requirements for these programs are determined by the North Carolina Department of Insurance.
Also under medical insurance North Carolina law, once a policyholder receives their policy, they have ten days to review it and if they are not completely satisfied with it they can return the policy and receive a full refund on the cost. This typically shouldn’t happen if you are working with a knowledgeable health broker as they will fully explain the plan and its benefits so you are completely aware of what you are purchasing.